Table of Content
It also will contain brochures and specification sheets you have collected while selecting items for your home. These pertain to such items as appliances, hardware, fireplaces, lighting, paint brochures, plumbing fixtures, roofing, windows, and so on. Use your three-hole punch on the brochures and use plastic sleeves for specification sheets and other information on the products to file in this binder.

Designing and building a home can be stressful and expensive, but knowing what to consider ahead of time will save you stress, time, and money. Beginning with the questions to ask before you purchase land all the way through your final punch list, this guide addresses the entire process. With this step-by-step and room-by-room guide, the design process will come together in the most efficient way possible.
Designing Your Dream Home : Every Question to Ask, Every Detail to Consider, and Everything to Know Before You Build or Remodel
Write on each photo, tear sheet, or the plastic sleeve you have placed it in what appeals to you about this photo or tear sheet. A1 Answers to the questions you asked when taking the potential architects and/or builders to the site. (Create your own list of questions using the suggestions on pages 28 and 34 as a guide.). In the following pages you’ll find recommendations for the contents of each binder. You can decide which binders you want grouped together in the same tote bag.
Designing Your Dream Home provided the detailed support we needed to confidently move forward with our remodel. The forms in the book gave us one central reference place to capture all our concerns and ensure we hadn’t overlooked anything important, truly enabling us to design the home of our dreams. My most problematic issue as a decorator is a client’s indecision. While this book may not erase indecision, it certainly empowers clients to understand where they fit into the puzzle of homebuilding and make preparations for navigating the process. I’ve never seen or even heard about a book as thorough and encompassing.
Combine EditionsSusan Lang’s books
Susan Lang is a personal home building consultant who works with projects as small as $3000 and as large as several million.
The good news is that you don’t have to go to the school of hard knocks to obtain this knowledge, because I already have! I’ve spent the last 20plus years developing plans, working with builders, and compiling notes on what works (and what doesn’t) in the real world of homebuilding and remodeling. If you invest your own time and effort by completing the checklists and forms in this book, you will need fewer design and building revisions, which means saving money and time. Once you have filled out the Existing Contents of the Home Checklist , file it in Binder 6.
Learn about membership options, or view our freely available titles. Additionally, purchase a box of heavy-duty plastic sleeves, a pack of plastic sleeves that hold business cards, and a plastic zippered pouch to hold receipts, all three-hole punched. This book will have fulfilled its goal when you have your own thank goodness I read this book moment. With Designing Your Dream Home, everyone will be able to use Susan Lang’s gifts and skills to help them create the home they want.
Create cover pages and spine strips for each of the 12 binder names. These can be inexpensive tote bags made of a soft material, the type often given away at conventions or events. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Later, once you begin completing these forms, you will transfer them to different binders, as explained in the following pages. Use a piece of wheeled luggage with a pull-up handle to hold samples such as stone, tile, brick, carpet, hardware, and paint colors.
Reviews for Designing Your Dream Home
Bravo for an insightful map to the thrilling road of building your dream house. This comprehensive guide walks you through every decision and addresses all the details that most homeowners don’t even know to consider. Throughout the design process, questions will arise that you will want to discuss with your builder. You’ll write those on the Builder Discussion Form and file it in this binder.

Remodelers and renovators will also find value in these tips and suggestions. Also provided is such vital information as terms, symbols, abbreviations, measures, and dimensions that are often unfamiliar to the layperson. You’ll find helpful forms and checklists that will keep you organized and assist you in clarifying your needs. And if you’re worried that building your dream home might turn into a nightmare, Designing Your Dream Home covers the most common mistakes that homeowners make and shows you how to avoid them. You'll find helpful forms and checklists that will keep you organized and assist you in clarifying your needs.
It is easy to read, complete, and full of ideas that will save you time, money, and stress. You will need to make multiple copies of some of the forms; these are indicated by an asterisk throughout this chapter and in the list in Appendix 1. Depending on how many architects, interior designers, and builders you will be interviewing, you will need multiple forms for the questionnaire. No matter how much planning you do, when you build a home, you have an edge if you have an insider’s view of the design process.

The size of the binder and the size of the tote bag will determine how many binders will fit. First, I want to acknowledge my daughter, Suzy Foral, who believed in my book from the first moment she read a chapter and was my number one supporter. I drew perseverance and determination from my son, Hastings Puckett.
It encourages dialogue between you and your architect, interior designer, and builder. And it will arm you with critical points to discuss with your team to keep everyone on track. Using detailed and easy-to-use forms and checklists, you’ll inventory and analyze each room and area to be included in your new or remodeled home. These detailed forms will help you design the home that fits your family and your lifestyle.
As you collect information, you can slip it into the tote bag holding the pertinent binder and file it when you get home. As you begin the laborious task of having your home designed and built or remodeled, it is imperative that you take time to get organized. Getting organized at the outset of the design process will save time and money while reducing stress and headaches.
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